
Our Story

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“I am an Alumni of ITJA 2019 and the lessons learnt opened new and

exciting opportunities .”

Lazarus Amusheke, Journalist,Namibia.

Who We Are

Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) is a pan-African research and advocacy organisation established in 2007 and a member of the Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ). Through its Nairobi Secretariat, TJNA collaborates closely with its member organisations and other civil society partners across Africa to curb illicit financial flows (IFFs) and promote progressive taxation systems. TJNA advocates for pro-poor tax policies and the strengthening of tax systems to promote domestic resource mobilisation (DRM). TJNA also plays a leading role in global coalitions committed to tackling the phenomena of global tax avoidance and evasion and achieving fundamental reforms of the current global financial architecture.

Since its inception, TJNA’s work has evolved enormously, to an increasingly high profile in the tax and development field, and significant growth in the network’s membership, activities and workforce. In 2016, TJNA embarked upon developing its 2nd strategic plan covering the period 2016-2020. In a rapidly changing tax justice landscape, TJNA has resolved to focus its strategic approach on policy influencing through knowledge generation; Campaigns and outreach; and institutional sustainability. During this 3rd strategic period, TJNA’s work will be centred on its flagship “Stop the Bleeding Campaign” which will shape its more concerted advocacy efforts. The network will also be led by an ambitious new target to grow the network to reach 100 members. TJNA’s growing portfolio of work will be structured and implemented through four new thematic focus areas, organised as follows: Tax and the International Financial Architecture; Tax and Extractives; Tax and Inequality; Tax and Investments. TJNA will also continue to with capacity building and strategic convening of wide range of stakeholders via its well-developed outreach programme including: The International Tax Justice Academy, an annual media training, support to the African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFS) and Taxation (APNIFFT) and the pan-African Conference on IFFs and Taxation.

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Raymond Mujuni

Farah Nguegan

Farah Nguegan

Brian Gituanja

Brian Gituanja Muthua

Alvin Mosioma

Alvin Mosioma


Maarten Hietland


Lyla Latif


Rachel Etter-Phoya


Henrique Alencar